The right of the child or the right to the child? The parental consensus model: interdisciplinarity at the service of families

Conference organised on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the application of the Parental Consensus Model in Dinant on 16 September 2022.

Innovative and creative good practices always precede changes in the law and, above all, changes in mentalities.

Today, within the psycho-judicial world, a need for appeasement and pacification is felt by the explosion of ADR, especially within the family courts where professionals can no longer be accomplices to the suffering of children who are victims of their parents' conflicts.

The door to adversarial proceedings must be closed and the door to interdisciplinarity must continue to be developed.

This day is an opportunity to reflect together between professionals working in situations of parental separation, and to improve our practices in the best interests of the child.


8.30 am: Welcome, coffee and installation

9am sharp: Welcome

9.10am: The Cochem practice: a cooperation ordered by a visionary judge - Ursula KODJOE, psychologist, judicial expert and international mediator.

9.35am: How to preserve children in parental separations? - BRUNO HUMBEEK, psycho-pedagogue and researcher in family and school psychology.

10.15am: The psychological damage to children in conflictual separations - EMMANUEL DE BECKER, child psychiatrist and psychotherapist, head of the child psychiatry department and coordinator of the SOS-Enfants team at the Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc in Brussels.

10.45: Coffee break

11.00 am: The prevention of the rupture of links within the framework of parental separations: a public health issue - JORGE GUERRA GONZALEZ, psychologist, jurist, researcher at the University of Lüneburg (Germany), international mediator, lawyer ad litem and accompanier of families

11.30 a.m.: Extracts from the film: "Weil du mir gehorst" - ("Because you are mine") and debate with the morning speakers: Interdisciplinarity as practised in the parental consensus model: the key to pacification?

12.30: Lunch

13h30 : The parental consensus model in Dinant: theory and practice - BEE MARIQUE, lawyer in Dinant, mediator, trainer and founder of the ASBL Parent & Co'M and MARIE-FRANCE CARLIER, family and youth judge in Namur-division Dinant

14h30 : The parental consensus model in Monthey (Valais) since January 1st 2020 - CAMILLE REY-MERNET, judge at the Cantonal Court of the Canton of Valais and OLIVIER DERIVAZ, President of the Bar of Monthey

3pm: Coffee break

3.15pm: Good practices in Flanders: the participatory model in Antwerp: ANNELIES LAUREYSSENS, family judge, head of section of the Family and Youth Court of Antwerp

16.30: Good practices in France: Lawyers for Peace - BARBARA REGENT, lawyer, mediator, co-founder of the "Lawyers for Peace", of the Humanethic network, co-director of "Les Clés de la Paix", a co-mediation company and MARIE-LAURE BOUZE, lawyer, mediator, co-founder of the "Lawyers for Peace" and of the Humanethic network, founder of the co-mediation company "Les clefs de la Paix

16.45: Conclusions and a drink

Practical information:

Location: Dinant cultural centre, rue Grande, 5500 Dinant - Language: FRENCH only
Fee: 125 € - trainee lawyer: 90 € (coffee and lunch included)
Application for approval and payment by the IFFJ, the ENM and in progress
Information and registration:
Commission account: BE04 3630 2621 8231
Payment is equivalent to registration


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