The Polish section of GEMME received the prestigious “Ambassador of Mediation” award from the (Polish) National Chamber of Legal Advisors.

On 14 June in Warsaw took place the gala organised by the National Chamber of Legal Advisors (Krajowa Rada Radców Prawnych (KRRP))  where Agnieszka Owczarewicz (President of GEMME Polska) and Monika Włodarczyk (Vice-President of GEMME) received the "Ambassador of Mediation" award, which in its fifth edition has been awarded to GEMME Polish National Section.

As the President of the National Chamber of Legal Advisors, Włodzimierz Chróścik, emphasised in his speech, "This distinction is not only a reward, but above all an expression of recognition for work that is not always noticed. I thank the winners for their tireless work on behalf of our citizens. Your work is an inspiration and proof that selfless help is of great importance. You have a good heart and use your knowledge for a very noble purpose. You are role models.”

The President of GEMME Polska Agnieszka Owczarewicz collects the award.
Monika Włodarczyk vice-president of GEMME is grateful for the recognition.


Since the Polish section of GEMME started in 2016, its growth has been unstoppable and it now has more than 50 enthusiastic members committed to its various projects, some of which are mentioned below:

  • Judges for Judges About Mediation: A pro bono initiative where GEMME members train judges in courts with low mediation referrals.
  • Mediation Toolkit: Documents for judges including case diagnosis, letters to parties and lawyers on mediation and courtroom mediation monologues.
  • Extraordinary Training for Judiciary: Two successful editions, with a third planned in December, co-organized with ProMediation & ProWellness Foundation Katarzyna Przyłuska and Weinstein International Foundation
  • Mediation and Conciliation Conferences/Webinars: Multiple events to foster dialogue and learning.


Many congratulations to GEMME Polska and we encourage them to continue working for the promotion of mediation in Poland and in Europe.

More information on the National Chamber of Legal Advisors (KRRP) website .


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