Recording of the GEMME Belgium webinar on conciliation and the generalisation of Amicable Settlement Chambers (CRA)

Nearly 300 participants attended the webinar in French or the webinar in Dutch on the law of 19 December 2023 on conciliation and the generalisation of CRAs, organised simultaneously on 20 February 2024 by Gemme Belgium.

The programme of the webinar in French was as follows:

- Presentation by Cathérine Delforge, Professor at the Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles entitled "Les prémices législatives de la loi du 19 décembre 2023".

- Presentation of the law of 2023 by Sylvie Frankignoul, judge at the French-speaking Business Court of Brussels, president of the CRA and co-president of Gemme Belgium.

- Panel of conciliating magistrates in civil, commercial and social matters, both at first instance and on appeal, who answered questions about the application of the new law in these areas, focusing on good practice and their professional experiences: Caroline Verbruggen, Councillor at the Brussels Court of Appeal, Fabienne Bouquelle, Chamber President at the Brussels Labour Court, Olivier Moreno, Judge at the French-speaking Labour Court in Brussels, Stéphanie Bar, Judge at the Labour Court in Liège, Marielle Schumaker, Judge at the Namur Enterprise Court, Benoit Guevar, judge at the Hainaut enterprise court, Joëlle Teuwen, tax judge at the French-speaking court of first instance in Brussels, Philippe Baudoux, attachment judge at the French-speaking court of first instance in Brussels, Anne-Sophie Favart, justice of the peace in Binche, Vincent Delforge, justice of the peace in Charleroi II. Moderator: Cécile Hayez, Honorary Vice-President of the French-speaking Court of First Instance of Brussels.

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The programme of the webinar in Dutch was as follows:

- Presentation by Jachin Van Doninck, Professor of Judicial Law, Private International Law and ADR at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel entitled "Voortborduren op de Wet van 18 juni 2018 tot bevordering van alternatieve vormen van geschillenoplossing"

- Presentation of the 2023 Act by Anne-Marie Witters, Councillor at the Brussels Court of Appeal, Chair of the Court's CRA 21N and Co-Chair of Gemme Belgium, followed by a presentation on the 2023 Act by Ivan Verougstraete, founder of Gemme and former President of the Court of Cassation.

- Panel of conciliating magistrates in civil, commercial and social matters, both at first instance and on appeal, who answered questions about the application of the new law in these areas, focusing on good practice and their professional experiences: Helena De Backer, accredited mediator and deputy councillor, Brussels Court of Appeal, Anne-Marie Witters, councillor, Brussels Court of Appeal, Lee Uyttenhove, Court of First Instance Antwerp, Floortje Buyssens, Enterprise Court Ghent, Annelien Verschaeve, Enterprise Court Dutch-speaking Brussels, Line Hellemans, Labour Court Antwerp, Evelien de Kezel, Labour Court Ghent, Kurt Creyf, Justice of the Peace Brugge IIIrd kanton. Moderator: Anelore Bruneel, Court of First Instance Gent


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