Call for Papers of the 11th World Mediation Forum Conference (March, 2022). Deadline submission: 15 January

The World Mediation Forum Conferences have been taking place all over the world since 1995 to promote interdisciplinarity, development, as well as knowledge and skills sharing related to mediation. "Current Conflicts of Humanity: New Challenges for Mediation" is the subject for 2022 conference.

This 11th Conference, organized in partnership with the Lisbon University, the Centre de Recherche en Droit Public of the University of Montreal and ASSOJAQ, will take place online, from march 14th to 17th, 2022 and presents three round tables:

  1. Is mediation adaptable to social transformations?
  2. What about Mediation and biodiversity?
  3. Which place could take mediation in the digital turn?

These round tables are followed by workshops on a variety of subjects that can be related, or not, to the three round table themes. The last day of the Conference is dedicated to a training session.

The conference organizers are currently promoting the Call for papers until januray 15th, 2022. There is more information at the Conference website.

Preferential rates are offered for registration completed before january 15th, 2022.

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