GEMME announces the date of its next General Assembly: it will be on 11 June 2022 by decision of the Bureau

Yesterday, one of the regular meetings of the GEMME Bureau took place, during which an account of the last few months was given and the dates of the next meetings were decided, in accordance with the association's statutes.

The Bureau is the executive council of GEMME and consists of the President, the Vice-Presidents, the Secretary General, the Deputy Secretary General, the Treasurer and the Deputy Treasurer. The Bureau usually meets once a quarter or when there are urgent matters to be dealt with.

Yesterday afternoon was the first meeting of the Bureau this year, which was held by videoconference, as the original face-to-face meeting, scheduled for 22 January in Madrid, had to be postponed due to the health situation in Europe.

This is the executive summary of the main issues discussed:

- Paul Gilligan (GEMME Ireland member) gave a verbal account of his attendance at the Singapore Convention last December (link to news item). It was agreed that he will continue to represent GEMME at meetings of the European Commission where GEMME's views are sought on this issue.

- Avi Schneebalg (Vice-President of GEMME) reported on the annual meeting of the EJTN (of which we are partners) which took place on 25 February. It was proposed to take part in the programme of activities on out-of-court mediation and conciliation, including lunch seminars.

- It was agreed to set up a Working Group on Restorative Justice, following the decision taken at the Board of Directors' meeting held last November in Krakow. The Working Group will be coordinated by Eric van Engelen and Carme Guil (Vice-President and Deputy Treasurer of GEMME, respectively), and mechanisms will be put in place to enable interested GEMME members to participate.

- The next meeting of the Bureau will be held in Madrid on 26 March 2022.

- The General Assembly will be held on 11 June 2022. Depending on the health situation, the Bureau will decide on the venue and, as far as possible, a hybrid development of the event: face-to-face and online.


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