GEMME Board Meeting 2021 in Krakow

On Saturday, November 6, GEMME Board Meeting was held at the headquarters of the Krakow Chamber of Commerce with representation from the national sections of Spain, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Ireland, The Nederlands, Switzerland, France, Italy, Romania, France and Poland.

It is a meeting that takes place twice a year, and to which the members of the GEMME Board of Directors and a representative of each national section are invited to participate.

During the meeting, the reports included in the agenda were presented and various initiatives were approved to be carried out in the coming months. Also the holding of the next Assembly, which will take place in March 2022 and in which all GEMME members can participate.

Prior to the Board Meeting, an interesting discussion took place. It was the Colloquium - How to promote mediation? The protagonists of the colloquium were the magistrates representing the different national sections of GEMME (The Nederlands, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Romania, Ireland, Belgium, France, ...) who shared with the attendees the state of mediation in their respective countries, responding to questions like Are judges allowed in your country to act as mediators? Are judges obliged by law to refer cases to mediation or to conciliate? Are there any circumstances in which mediation is obligatory? Do you have any court-annexed mediation programmes?

The rest of the attendees were a select group of Polish mediators and magistrates, members of the emerging Polish national section or other proffesionals interested in mediation. After each presentation, the guests had the opportunity to ask questions to the speaker.

Below is the video summary of the days that the Board Meeting participants spent in Krakow.

Music: Chopin's concerto for piano and orchestra number 1.

Our thanks to the Krakow Chamber of Commerce who kindly provided us with their facilities to hold the meeting.

A special thanks to Monika Włodarczyk, president of GEMME Poland and the rest of the members of the Polish national section for the excellent organization of the meeting, their warm hospitality and the special moments we could enjoy in the amazing city of Krakow.


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