On Friday 10 November at the amphitheatre "Lambros Margaritis" of the Greek Ministry of Justice in Athens, an institutional event took place to celebrate the 20th anniversary of GEMME, during which the publication "GEMME: 20 years promoting mediation in Europe" was presented, followed by an interesting debate entitled "Contributions of Greek philosophy to today's mediators".
The event was open to judges and other legal professions, mediators and the general public who are interested in mediation as a peaceful form of conflict resolution. More than 60 people attended.
The activities were chaired by the Deputy Minister of Justice (Greece), Ioannis D. Bougas, the President of GEMME, the Spanish magistrate Rosalía Fernández, and the President of the Greek section, GEMME Hellas, Miltiadis Chatzigeorgiou, who is Vice President Emeritus of Areios Pagos (Greek Supreme Court).
The aim of the event, was to celebrate the 20 years of GEMME's history since its creation on 18 December 2003.
9:00h - Opening table:
- Ioannis D. Bougas, Deputy Minister of Justice
- Rosalía Fernández, President of GEMME
- Miltiadis Chatzigeorgiou, President of GEMME Hellas
9:30h - Presentation of the digital report "GEMME 20 years promoting mediation in Europe" by Myriam Rius, GEMME Communication Manager.
Introduction by GEMME Vice-Presidents: Monika Włodarczyk (GEMME Poland), Eric Van Engelen (GEMME Netherlands).
10:15h - Coffee Break
10:30h - Presentation of National Committee for Accreditation of mediators by Ioanna Stratsiani (Judge, Court of Appeal of Athens and General Secretary of Gemme Hellas).
10:45h - Panel Discussion "The influence of Greek philosophy on today's mediators" moderated by Tomi Kimiskidou (Judge, Court of Appeal of Athens and Board member of GEMME Hellas)
- Jean A. Mirimanoff (Honorary judge and accredited mediator, founder of GEMME Switzerland).
- George Papageorgiou (Supreme Court Judge and accredited mediator, VicePresidente of GEMME Hellas)
- Poly Tsitsoni (Lawyer and accredited mediator)
12:30h End of the event
The event will be presented by Georgia Angelidaki (Lawyer-Mediator, Board member of GEMME HELLAS) and conducted in English only.
The event was recorded and can be viewed on our YouTube channel in 3 parts:
1) Opening table
2) Book presentation “GEMME: 20 years promoting mediation in Europe”
3) Debate “Contributions of Greek philosophy to today’s mediators” and various.
Opening Table
Book presentation “GEMME: 20 years promoting mediation in Europe”
Debate “Contributions of Greek philosophy to today’s mediators”
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